This week, IQVIA released an independent report on its research into the current state of the biologics market in the United States. IQVIA, formerly Quintiles and IMS Health, Inc., is a contract research organization serving the combined industries of health information technology and clinical research. In an overview of the biosimilars market, IQVIA reports that “[d]evelopment and approvals of biosimilars have been accelerating, with 33 approvals across 13 molecules to date,” with “[l]arge pharma companies . . . dominat[ing] the marketing of biosimilars” and “[t]he 22 launched biosimilars [sharing a] 20% volume share of the accessible market.” IQVIA highlights bevacizumab, trastuzumab, and rituximab as recent biosimilar launches “set to reach nearly 60% volume share by the end of their second year on the market,” which, IQVIA notes, is “significantly higher and faster than prior biosimilars. . . and similar to the high rates of adoption in Europe.”